If you attend the march and snap some photos of the carnage, we sure would love for you to share them with us!
Click here to join the Memphis Zombie Massacre Flickr group.
On May 25, 2007, the Dead will indeed walk the streets of Downtown Memphis. Keep checking this space for updates.
The Official Zombie March Route

Thursday, May 24, 2007
Tomorrow is Z-Day
It's so close I can smell the flesh of the living. And it smells tasty.
Once again, it's time to reiterate the rules for the '07 Memphis Zombie Attack.
But first! A couple of things to clarify —
• Children are welcome to the march — we want to see some zombie families!
• The hardcore zombification at 5 p.m. is to take place at the pay lot behind the Plush Club — the lot on Beale — if all goes according to plan (i.e. there is room for me to park and set up a little mini HQ). Keep in mind that there are two pay lots near the Plush Club. If you don't see us in one, check the other. If you don't see us in either, keep checking back and forth.
• The after-party at Ernestine&Hazel's is open to everyone. The Flyer article* said the party is for the 21-and-up set (which we originally thought it would be), but the E&H people are cool and they said they'll be carding at the bar. So if your underage ass wants to come party, bring it! You just may not be able to booze it up. Legally.
Okay, now on to the rules:
• No alcohol or drugs while marching
• No touching or harassing bystanders
• No blocking of traffic or destruction of property
• No scaring children
• No entering any galleries or shops — stay on the sidewalks
• No lawbreaking of any sort
• Try not to make a mess and get gore everywhere on the streets
REMEMBER — this is a public performance art spectacle. We are there to entertain, and maybe to confound just a little. Give those Memorial Day weekend/Memphis in May tourists something to laugh at, to take pictures of, to run home and tell their bridge clubs about.
See you tomorrow.
* Thanks, Cherie!!
Once again, it's time to reiterate the rules for the '07 Memphis Zombie Attack.
But first! A couple of things to clarify —
• Children are welcome to the march — we want to see some zombie families!
• The hardcore zombification at 5 p.m. is to take place at the pay lot behind the Plush Club — the lot on Beale — if all goes according to plan (i.e. there is room for me to park and set up a little mini HQ). Keep in mind that there are two pay lots near the Plush Club. If you don't see us in one, check the other. If you don't see us in either, keep checking back and forth.
• The after-party at Ernestine&Hazel's is open to everyone. The Flyer article* said the party is for the 21-and-up set (which we originally thought it would be), but the E&H people are cool and they said they'll be carding at the bar. So if your underage ass wants to come party, bring it! You just may not be able to booze it up. Legally.
Okay, now on to the rules:
• No alcohol or drugs while marching
• No touching or harassing bystanders
• No blocking of traffic or destruction of property
• No scaring children
• No entering any galleries or shops — stay on the sidewalks
• No lawbreaking of any sort
• Try not to make a mess and get gore everywhere on the streets
REMEMBER — this is a public performance art spectacle. We are there to entertain, and maybe to confound just a little. Give those Memorial Day weekend/Memphis in May tourists something to laugh at, to take pictures of, to run home and tell their bridge clubs about.
See you tomorrow.
* Thanks, Cherie!!
Hardcore zombification
(from our MySpace blog)
Friends of the undead,
A makeup artist has been kind enough to volunteer his services for those who would like a little help becoming zombified. He has even volunteered EXTRA time to do the job right for those who want to be especially impressive zombies. We like to call this process hardcore zombification - it's like the platinum card version of zombification. For those who would like Hardcore Zombification, the makeup artist (as well as one of us) will be available beginning at 5 p.m. on the day of the march (Friday May 25th) in the parking lot of the Plush Club. (380 Beale St, cross street is 4th) We have also received word from a few other makeup artists and hobbyists that they would be happy to help out, so we encourage all of these volunteers to swing by the Plush Club parking lot as well and help with the hardcore zombification process.
We do want to make it clear, though, that this is a fairly last-minute arrangement and we cannot absolutely 100% guarantee that there will be no problems using this parking lot. We needed to think of a viable public place for this that is very near the actual meeting place for the march and this seemed to be the most logical spot - but please be aware there is a small chance that you could possibly be asked to leave the lot, and there's nothing we can do about this.
If you do participate in the hardcore zombification, remember that the larger group of zombies is meeting in front of the Old Daisy on Beale between 3rd & 4th at 6:15 p.m. and then beginning our march of doom beginning strictly at 6:45. So make sure to get over to the Old Daisy in time.
We hope that you are savoring your last few days of ordinary human consciousness.
Friends of the undead,
A makeup artist has been kind enough to volunteer his services for those who would like a little help becoming zombified. He has even volunteered EXTRA time to do the job right for those who want to be especially impressive zombies. We like to call this process hardcore zombification - it's like the platinum card version of zombification. For those who would like Hardcore Zombification, the makeup artist (as well as one of us) will be available beginning at 5 p.m. on the day of the march (Friday May 25th) in the parking lot of the Plush Club. (380 Beale St, cross street is 4th) We have also received word from a few other makeup artists and hobbyists that they would be happy to help out, so we encourage all of these volunteers to swing by the Plush Club parking lot as well and help with the hardcore zombification process.
We do want to make it clear, though, that this is a fairly last-minute arrangement and we cannot absolutely 100% guarantee that there will be no problems using this parking lot. We needed to think of a viable public place for this that is very near the actual meeting place for the march and this seemed to be the most logical spot - but please be aware there is a small chance that you could possibly be asked to leave the lot, and there's nothing we can do about this.
If you do participate in the hardcore zombification, remember that the larger group of zombies is meeting in front of the Old Daisy on Beale between 3rd & 4th at 6:15 p.m. and then beginning our march of doom beginning strictly at 6:45. So make sure to get over to the Old Daisy in time.
We hope that you are savoring your last few days of ordinary human consciousness.
Buy some shiz, support the Undead
So, we totally should have had a Cafepress shop open a long time ago, but we Undead are a busy bunch.
Anyway, if you've got the time, take a gander at some of our wares here.
You can commemorate the '07 Memphis Zombie March in style. More designs to come, hopefully! What kind of designs would you like to see? Let us know.
FYI, the prices have been very slightly marked up from the Cafepress base prices. Any and all proceeds will go to helping us recoup our costs for the public assembly permit (yes, America, you have to PAY MONEY to assemble on public streets) as well as the cost of publicity materials and makeup.
Your support is appreciated! See you tomorrow!
Anyway, if you've got the time, take a gander at some of our wares here.
You can commemorate the '07 Memphis Zombie March in style. More designs to come, hopefully! What kind of designs would you like to see? Let us know.
FYI, the prices have been very slightly marked up from the Cafepress base prices. Any and all proceeds will go to helping us recoup our costs for the public assembly permit (yes, America, you have to PAY MONEY to assemble on public streets) as well as the cost of publicity materials and makeup.
Your support is appreciated! See you tomorrow!
How to get eaten — a visual tutorial
If you'd like to get devoured by the mass of zombies during the march, keep this simple guideline in mind:

Note how the absence of duct tape equals not getting devoured.
So if you'll be waiting along the route in the hopes of getting devoured, please try to make it obvious that that's what you want by sporting a huge duct-tape X on your shirt, so we don't pass you by. (It's likely to be crowded and you might be overlooked, so keep running ahead of us until we see you.)
No obvious markings and we're going to ignore you. Just to be safe.

Note how the absence of duct tape equals not getting devoured.
So if you'll be waiting along the route in the hopes of getting devoured, please try to make it obvious that that's what you want by sporting a huge duct-tape X on your shirt, so we don't pass you by. (It's likely to be crowded and you might be overlooked, so keep running ahead of us until we see you.)
No obvious markings and we're going to ignore you. Just to be safe.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
We need you.

Come join us Friday, May 25, for a public spectacle that is bound to shock and awe the downtown public.
We need your participation, and that of your friends and lovers and relatives and acquaintances.
So we encourage you to steal the flyer above and post it to your website, blog, MySpace, etc., or print it out and give it to people. On campus, in church, on the street. Whatever. Just as long as you spread the word. Get people to come out and commune with their fellow undead on May 25. It's a Friday, late May, so the weather will be sticky and annoying. You will be irritable but bored, and you'll need something to do. What better way to spend an evening than with us?
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Important Tips For Surviving a Zombie Attack
From the geniuses behind "Shaun of the Dead" (Salty language warning)
We have approximately one month left before the undead turn downtown Memphis into a terrifying sea of brains, guts, and blood on FRIDAY, MAY 25TH. Thus it is time for another update. Please forgive us if this update feels belated; limping around Memphis, moaning, and eating brains is very much a full-time occupation. We're busy zombies.
This posting contains detailed instructions for the actual logistics of the march. Please note that you have two options for joining us:
#1 - PRE-ZOMBIFIED - if you want to show up AS A ZOMBIE, you can meet us at the designated beginning spot (indicated below).
#2 - GET ZOMBIFIED ALONG THE WAY - if you want us to zombify you, show up in clothes that you don't mind getting ripped and ruined, anywhere along the route, WITH A PIECE OF DUCT TAPE PROMINENTLY DISPLAYED ON YOUR CLOTHING. This will let us know that you would like to be zombified.
For the pre-zombified and those who would like to be zombified at the very beginning of the march:
We will be meeting at 6:15 p.m. on Beale St. in front of the Old Daisy Theater(this is directly across the street from the New Daisy. The Old Daisy is at 329 Beale St, between 3rd and 4th street). The march itself will begin STRICTLY at 6:45 p.m. - if you arrive at the Old Daisy after 6:45, we'll be gone. So make sure to show up between 6:15 and 6:45.
We will begin marching/limping/dragging ourselves down Beale St toward Main, scaring the tourists along the way. We will cross Main St and make a left, heading south on the west side of Main st. toward the art galleries: in case you haven't figured it out yet, the zombie march will coincide with the ART TROLLEY TOUR, so there will be tons of foot traffic and plenty of witnesses gawking at us. We will make our way down Main St. to G.E. Patterson, cross Main St., and then head backwards on Main in the opposite direction up to Huling. We'll cross Huling and double back the way we came - walking down Main St. one final time to Earnestine and Hazels. Along the way we may or may not stop in on various galleries and shops - we will only do so with express permission from gallery and shop owners.
If this route sounds confusing, just make sure to show up by 6:45 in front of the Old Daisy and you can follow us. Zombies are good at following. They're creatures of conformity. We will also be posting maps of the route on our blog and web site in the near future.
When the march concludes in front of Earnestine and Hazels, you should feel free to disperse as you wish or, if you're over 21, join us for more undead revelry at Earnestine and Hazels.
A few obvious rules:
NO ALCOHOL & NO DRUGS WHILE MARCHING (drinking afterwards is encourage for the over 21 set!)
Monday, March 26, 2007
So what IS a Zombie Invasion, anyway?
Friends of the undead,
So, you may be wondering – what exactly will take place during the Memphis Zombie Invasion? What will YOU do to participate in this slow march of the undead? As the event is just 2 months away, it is a good time to explain exactly what this will look like:
Most importantly, the zombies depend upon MASS-PARTICIPATION. We are not looking for onlookers and photographers, although we anticipate there will be some of those. This is no ordinary parade, where a few selected participants march down the street while everyone else stands on the sidelines and watches. Zombies don’t want idle spectators – they want to multiply, to eat more and more brains, to create a larger and larger mass of stumbling, limping, moaning, brain-starved undead.
So how exactly does this mass-participation happen? We will be publicizing a particular route that the zombies will march along. If you would like to become zombie-fied and join this melancholy march of doom, then you will need to position yourself somewhere along the route with a prominent symbol indicating that you want to join the zombies. We will clearly publicize what this symbol should be. Then, the zombies will descend upon you and zombie-fy you – (fake) blood and makeup will be involved, so wear clothes that you don’t mind getting destroyed. At this point, you may begin stumbling and drooling down the street as you begin your endless and unquenchable search for brains.
That is how this works. Thus, future updates will include information on the exact route, the timing of the march, how you should act if you are in the march, what you can and can’t do (attacking random bystanders is NOT acceptable, even if it is in good fun!), and various post-march festivities (on rare occasion, despite their perennial hunger for brains, the undead like a good bout of drinkin’ too.)
So please JOIN us. There’s no point in resisting – the undead will own America at some time in the not-too-distant future – say goodbye to soccer moms and rebellious teenagers and Wall Street executives and hipsters and punk rockers and the working class and journalists and Republicans and Democrats and college students and all the rest of our social niches. Zombie-fication is the ultimate equalizer. We are all equal in undeath.

Thursday, March 1, 2007
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